Part time Administrative Reception Position, Foreshore, Cape Town. Part-Time. Administrative reception
This role is ideal for a student or individual with basic qualifications looking to gain experience
We want recently graduated students who have a wish to evolve themselves and experience something unique a passion for our profession? Do you want to be part of the solution? Do you have the will to succeed written authority of the training officer; At all times keep the affairs of the training office and its officer, may constitute punishable conduct on the part of the trainee accountant and making available to
Bcom Accounting (Completed/Currently studying part time) Market Related
learning and bioacoustics. The fellow will work as part of a collaborative team of local and international the group's collaborative network. Co-supervise students in the area of deep learning for wildlife monitoring and chat about research, then you'll have a great time The award is compliant with the SARS rules for tax
learning and bioacoustics. The fellow will work as part of a collaborative team of local and international the group's collaborative network. Co-supervise students in the area of deep learning for wildlife monitoring and chat about research, then you'll have a great time The award is compliant with the SARS rules for tax
passionate musician, already working at your full time job, but looking for exciting opportunities to showcase make a lasting impact Earning an above average part time income through your talent How It Works: Our ad based on their availability. Whether you’re a full-time professional or a dedicated hobbyist, we value your contact us today. Showcase your musical prowess and be part of an ensemble that pushes the boundaries of orchestral orchestral artistry. Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of something extraordinary. Contact us at by responding
BCompt / BCom Management Accounting) or final year students studying towards such a degree Post Graduate Diploma
inspections and functional procedures as defined from time to time and complete preventive maintenance tasks, correcting diagnostic tests, identifying worn and damaged parts and reporting as may be required Keeps equipment preventive maintenance schedules, installing components, parts, oil, water and upgrades when required and control regarding operations, functions, technical functions, parts and tools including a comprehensive understanding of sms, mms, internet and cellular communications Time Management Documentation Skills Inventory Control
and communication skills to join our team on a part time bases for two months. Calling potential and existing